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Fostoria是一家美国的制造商,成立于1891年,总部位于俄亥俄州的Fostoria市。该公司主要生产高品质的玻璃制品,包括餐具、花瓶、灯具、饰品等。Fostoria的产品以其精美的设计、高质量的制造和卓越的工艺而闻名于世。 Fostoria的历史可以追溯到19世纪末期,当时美国的玻璃制造业正在迅速发展。Fostoria的创始人是一位名叫Lucius B. Libbey的商人,他在俄亥俄州的Fostoria市建立了一家玻璃制造厂。在接下来的几十年里,Fostoria不断扩大其生产规模和产品线,成为了美国玻璃制造业的领导者之一。 Fostoria的产品以其高品质和精美的设计而著称。公司的设计师们经常参考当时流行的艺术风格,如艺术装饰风格和现代主义风格,来创造出独特的产品。Fostoria的产品还经常被用于宴会和正式场合,如白宫晚宴和国会大厦的宴会。 除了餐具和花瓶等传统的玻璃制品,Fostoria还生产了许多创新的产品。例如,公司在20世纪初期推出了一种名为“Fostoria Heater”的电暖器,这是当时市场上最先进的电暖器之一。Fostoria还生产了一系列高质量的灯具,包括吊灯、台灯和壁灯等。 尽管Fostoria在20世纪中期经历了一些困难,但该公司仍然保持着其高品质和精美的设计。今天,Fostoria的产品仍然受到许多人的喜爱和追捧,成为了收藏家和玻璃制品爱好者的珍品。

image of B45370 Fostoria - Box SALAMANDER HEATER, 15000W, 240V, 1721.03
image of B2023140 Fostoria - Box TPI INFRARED HEATER W/CORD & PLU 1067.46
image of B2023133 Fostoria - Box TPI INFRARED HEATER ELECTRIC OVE 1104.56
image of B2023090 Fostoria - Box TPI INFRARED HEATER PORTABLE ELE 1547.08
image of B45373 Fostoria - Box SALAMANDER HEATER, 15000W, 240V, 1986.26
image of B2023139 Fostoria - Box TPI INFRARED HEATER ELECTRIC OVE 1988.1
image of B45371 Fostoria - Box TPI FOSTORIA SALAMANDER HEATER, 1932.09
image of B45369 Fostoria - Box SALAMANDER HEATER, 15000W, 208V, 2012.88
image of 613310 Fostoria - Box TPI FOSTORIA SALAMANDER HEATER P 1982.54
image of 613312 Fostoria - Box SALAMANDER HEATER PORTABLE ELECT 2270.58
image of B2023092 Fostoria - Box TPI INFRARED HEATER PORTABLE ELE 2294.62
image of B2023091 Fostoria - Box TPI INFRARED HEATER PORTABLE ELE 2209.6
image of 613311 Fostoria - Box SALAMANDER HEATER PORTABLE ELECT 2237.97
image of 613314 Fostoria - Box SALAMANDER HEATER PORTABLE ELECT 2407.23
image of B45372 Fostoria - Box TPI ELECTRIC HEATER, 30000W, 480 3296.79
image of 258344 Fostoria - Bulk PORTABLE ELECTRIC HEATER, 45KW/4 3659.39
image of B2023136 Fostoria - Box TPI INFRARED HEATER ELECTRIC OVE 1351

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Fostoria is a well-known brand in the glassware industry, famous for its elegant and timeless designs. The company was founded in Fostoria, Ohio, in 1887, and quickly became one of the leading manufacturers of glassware in the United States. Fostoria's glassware was known for its high quality, durability, and beauty, and it was used in homes, hotels, and restaurants across the country. Fostoria's early success was due in part to its location in Ohio, which was rich in natural resources such as natural gas and sand, both of which were essential for glass production. The company also benefited from the expertise of its founders, who had years of experience in the glass industry. Fostoria's first products were simple glassware items such as tumblers, goblets, and pitchers, but the company quickly expanded its product line to include more elaborate designs such as etched glassware, cut glass, and crystal. Throughout the 20th century, Fostoria continued to innovate and expand its product line, introducing new designs and techniques that set it apart from its competitors. The company's glassware was used in some of the most prestigious hotels and restaurants in the world, and it was also popular among collectors and enthusiasts. In the 1970s, however, Fostoria began to face financial difficulties, and it was eventually sold to Lancaster Colony Corporation in 1983. Despite the change in ownership, Fostoria continued to produce high-quality glassware, and its products remained popular among collectors and enthusiasts. Today, Fostoria glassware is highly sought after by collectors and enthusiasts, and it is considered a classic example of American glassware design. The company's legacy lives on through its beautiful and timeless designs, which continue to inspire and delight people around the world.
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